Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Our fundamental potential

Meditation is not just a formal practice we do once a day while sitting on a cushion. The idea behind embarking on a meditative practice is for our whole life to be transformed. Akong Tulku Rinpoche describes what is possible in Taming the Tiger.

Within us is the potential to be whatever we chose. If we wish for a peaceful, worthwhile existence, benefiting all others as well as ourselves, this is certainly within our capability. The first step towards achieving this aim is to simplify our lives so that everything we experience becomes an opportunity to practice mindfulness, rather than a source of confusion. Such basic activities as the way we sit, stand, walk and talk, as well as our attitude to cleanliness and tidiness, are easy to neglect, and yet so fundamental that they condition all other activities.

All the time, whether anyone is watching or not, we should be aware of what is going on inside us and guard against being careless or unmindful in our daily lives. That way we will not harm others. The aim is gradually to develop mindfulness and activate that compassion and loving-kindness which is within us already. This is something we are all capable of doing.

That is very reassuring, isn't it? All we need to do is give ourselves permission to be aware. Then the rest is just practice.

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