Thursday, February 10, 2005


Today I thought I'd offer you another wonderful passage from Instant Calm by Paul Wilson.

One of the most satisfying and useful ways of relieving your stress - especially in the long term - is to make a habit of helping others to relieve theirs.

When you immerse yourself in helping another individual, you overcome the self-centered nature of your own stresses and anxieties. Studies show that immediately after helping others most people experience a powerful sense of elation and accomplishment which, in turn, leads to better health and feelings of peace.

As well, charitable behavior tends to reduce the feeling of isolation which, even in people who would not classify themselves as lonely, usually accompanies feelings of stress. Direct contact with the recipient, however, is a necessary part of the process; a simple donation may not be sufficient.

For a long-term sense of calm and fulfillment, seek out opportunities to help others. Your efforts will be rewarded.

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