Friday, March 18, 2005

An antidote to anxiety

Here's another excerpt from Find a Quiet Corner by Nancy O'Hara. In this passage the issue of resistance to meditation is addressed:

Chances are that once you contemplate the idea of spending time quietly alone, you will feel some anxiety. It's perfectly normal, if accustomed to a fast-paced and constantly moving world, to become disoriented when the movement stops. Even the thought of jumping off can raise some fears. Our mind can be our own worst enemy.

The antidote for this is slow, deep breathing. Conscious breathing is an instant, magical cure and instills in us the courage to move forward. Its power to transform us and lessen our fear should convince us to never take anything for granted.

When anxiety takes hold of you as you contemplate facing your quiet corner, simply resort to concentrated breathing and you will be able to take your next step. Breathe, breathe, and breathe some more.

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