Friday, April 08, 2005

Embracing Solitude

I'm sorry there was no update yesterday on the Meditation Matters blog. The Blogger program was acting up and wouldn't let me post. So I'm offering a make up entry now.

Here's another passage from Ruth Fishel's wonderful book, Precious Solitude:

Many times solitude has no special agenda at all. Those are the times when we aren't trying to solve or resolve anything. We are simply taking the time to be with ourselves. To be with whatever it si we discover. We just want to relax, get away from the turmoil of our daily routines, and rest within the silence. We want to renew, connect with our inner resources, and thus find serenity.

I so agree. I remember some years ago listening to a tape by Ram Dass in which he referred to his many years of intense and rather concentrated training in meditation and then one day realizing that he just wanted to sit and be quiet. Actually, that is a meditative practice! Just sit and be quiet. I recommend it. Nothing complicated. Nothing difficult. Just be with yourself and be okay about it.

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