Tuesday, April 19, 2005

A natural kindness

Here's a quote I just found. I'm afraid I don't know who Geri Larkin is but I like what he or she said:

If we hold on to our humility, if we let go of our egos and stop clinging to whatever it is we're clinging to, we'll find the wonderful surprise that behind all that gunk is a natural kindness, a love for everyone and everything that we never thought we had. And if we let ourselves act from that place, we'll discover a kindness without limits and an unutterable peace.

-- Geri Larkin

That is truly beautiful. How wonderful to know that we don't have to create kindness in ourselves but that it is already there. All we need to do is get out of the way.

Update: Paul Rogers googled Geri Larkin and found this.

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