Thursday, April 28, 2005

Working with thoughts - part 2

Today I found a a helpful image for working with thoughts in Journey of Awakening by Ram Dass:

Here's a way you can keep from getting too lost in your thoughts. See your thoughts go by as if they were autumn leaves floating down a stream. But focus on the stream. The leaves drift by, being moved this way and that by the eddying water. On some there are drops of water that glisten in the sunlight. Let the leaves, the thoughts, float by, but keep your attention on the water itself. Your mind may dwell on a sound, a memory, a plan, or any of a thousand things. When you notice your mind clinging to any of these, these leaves, very gently bring it back to the stream, back to the water flowing. Let the leaves float by. Don't get angry because your attention will get caught thousands of times. Each time, very gently but firmly bring it back to the flowing water.

The important word in this passage is "gently". Don't be harsh with your mind. The point is to let go - not to force.

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