Thursday, June 23, 2005

Keen mindfulness

Here's a wonderful description of what happens when mindfulness is present. This is from A Gradual Awakening by Stephen Levine:

When mindfulness becomes very keen we can begin to see thoughts in a new way, literally experiencing them arising and passing away as though they had a frame around them. It's as though we'd taken a movie film, which we had been watching projected on a screen, and examined it frame by frame, investigating the discrete elements of what had previously been imagined to be a single, continuous flow. We see the arising and passing away of consciousness, of everything that we considered to be self. It allows a microscopic examination of moment-to-moment mind, of being, as it unfolds. Then, what is unconscious becomes conscious. Nothing is blocked and nothing is added, the whole universe presents itself as it will and we are graced to perceive it.

It's like standing on a stream bank, watching all the thoughts float downstream like bubbles. And. as we watch, it becomes increasingly clear that some of the bubbles are us watching the stream, that even the watcher is just part of the flow, and awareness simply experiences all that is.

This is very beautiful, very freeing. I really like the expression "keen mindfulness". Let that be your aspiration in your meditation today!

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