Sunday, July 24, 2005

When you awaken

Over the years I have benefitted enormously from the works - mainly the tapes - of Ram Dass. Here's a quote I found this morning on a site called Best Spirituality.
When you awaken, you are no longer a Buddhist or a Hindu or a Christian or a Jew or a Moslem. You are love, you are truth. And love and truth have no form. They flow into forms. But the word is never the same as that which the word connotes. The word "God" is not God, the word "Mother" is not Mother, the word "Self" is not Self, the word "moment" is not the moment. All of these words are empty. We're playing at the level of intellect, feeding that thing in us that keeps wanting to understand. And here we are, all the words we've said are gone. Where did they go? Do you remember them all? Empty, empty. If you heard them, you are at this moment empty. You're ready for the next word. And the word will go through you. You don't have to know anything: that's what's so funny about it. You get so simple. You're empty. You know nothing. You simply are wisdom not becoming anything, just being everything.
Letting go of concepts helps us to experience reality directly. That's the emptiness he's talking about, I believe. Just be willing to empty out. Let go of the attachment to ideas and simply experience what is.


  1. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Where can I to learn abt it in detail?

  2. There are many excellent books on meditation. I recommend "What is Meditation?" by Rob Nairn. If you are in the Tulsa area you can come take the Foundations course at the Center. Let me know if you are in the Tulsa area and I will tell you how to sign up.


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