Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Finding your space

Here is still another passage from Meditation for Beginners by Naomi Ozaniec on inner spaciousness:

The first step in meditation involves looking into the mind and its busy contents. When we become conscious of space within our minds, we will find that we have made room for thoughts and realizations of a new order to be born. Creativity, insight and intuition can only come into being when there is space for us to be receptive to the still small voice of inspiration.

Awaken yourself to the extraordinary mystery of space. Go out and observe the night sky and meditate on what you see. Become aware of immensities beyond measure. Consciously seeking your space will eventually enable you to find your space as part of the heavens here on earth.

What she's talking about is a connection with the whole universe. Meditation exposes the illusion of separation and helps us recognize the connection that is real.

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