Tuesday, September 20, 2005

More on inner spaciousness

Here's another passage from Meditation for Beginners by Naomi Ozaniec:

Our minds, like our lives, teem with plans, memories, ideas, words and thoughts. We become so used to this state of being that in time we don't even notice it. The rushing stream of consciousness, thoughts mainly without purpose and idle chatter, is ever present like an internal white noise. Everything is hurried, all mental space is filled. It is only when we take the trouble to observe the process that we can evaluate its effect upon us. A mind that is full is like an untidy cupboard that spills its contents whenever the door is opened. It has no space for insight, creativity or applied thought.

In one way, we create space by meditating. In another way, we don't have to create it at all; it is already there. All we need to do is notice the space that is naturally present - and keep noticing it.

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