Friday, March 03, 2006

Meditation and trauma therapy

Whatever is troubling you, meditation can help. Here's an article making that very point entitled, "Troubled First Nation looks to meditation":

Residents of a Manitoba reserve plagued with solvent abuse and suicide hope East Indian meditation techniques will help them tackle their problems.

The Pauingassi First Nation has invited a group based in India to teach residents its specific brand of breathing exercises.

Ruchi Sud, a teacher with "The Art of Living," believes practising the techniques will help people become calmer, which will allow the community to deal with its problems.

"This program is used for trauma relief all over the world, like after the hurricane and after the tsunami," she said.

"In Southeast Asia, fishermen couldn't even look at the water, let alone go back into the water, so … after they did the breathing, they were so relieved, they said, 'OK, now we can go back to our normal lives.'"

Any information about meditation that helps maintain motivation is all to the good.

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