Sunday, October 01, 2006


Two quotes about transformation that help bolster aspiration:

The great metaphors from all spiritual traditions — grace, liberation, being born again, awakening from illusion — testify that it is possible to transcend the conditioning of my past and do a new thing.

Sam Keen

Ideally, we would rise to the occasion and transform the adversity into an opportunity for greater happeniness. We would use the adversity to deepen our own wisdom and compassion, and transform it into something we can embrace. We would chew it up, swallow, and digest it, and be closer to enlightenment as a result. That's the ideal, as the Tibetans say: transform adversity into spiritual growth.

B. Alan Wallace

Basically what these two passages say to me is that it's not necessary to stay stuck. Transformation is, indeed, possible. Believing that is, without a doubt, the first step.

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