Friday, May 04, 2007

True success

I found this on the Spiritual Literacy Blog:
Anthony de Mello was a Jesuit priest who died in 1987 but left behind a rich and deep spiritual legacy in his many writings. In this essay published on a website devoted to his work, he talks about the happiness that is available to us if we only let go of our many illusions. The secret of awakening is that we can experience joy right now. De Mello redefines success. Rather than being about popularity and achievements, success means having no dependence on what others think or say about us. This peace comes from within, doing what we were meant to do without calculation of approval or disapproval, flattery or criticism. So drop your reliance upon these things and step into the light and freedom of true happiness which is "our natural state."
I really like the point that success means having no dependence on what others think or say about us. That is SO, SO important.

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