Friday, August 06, 2010

Meditation and small children

The Wildmind site has an article up called "Preschoolers practice meditation". Here are some song lyrics published there:

My mind is a clear, blue sky. My mind is a clear, blue sky.

And I breathe in, and I breathe out.

And my mind is a clear, blue sky.

My mind is a clear, blue sky. And the feelings come, and the feelings go.

And my mind is a clear, blue sky. My mind is a clear, blue sky.

And I like this:
Take a breath. Pay attention as the air goes in…and out. There, you’ve just had a moment of mindfulness.
There are some interesting comments in the article about impulse control and hyperactivity. Recommended.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:31 PM

    This is great! Thank you



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